Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A First

Have any of you ever seen one of those medical mystery shows where they tell you about some crazy medical condition and then you (as the viewer) are supposed to try and guess what the medical condition is? Well I've got a mystery of sorts (not medical, though) that I'd love for you to figure out. Here it is:

Almost all of my shirts (like all four of them) have the same little cluster of rips right in the same place--a couple inches below my belly button. Any ideas about how in the heck this could keep happening to all of my shirts?

I'll just tell you because I don't want to ask the question and then likely have no one answer me. The fact is, when I stand at the kitchen sink--which I do for like five hours of every day--it just happens that the counter hits me at exactly the height of my pants' button. So the friction caused by my shirt constantly getting rubbed in between and metal button and a stone counter results in holes in the same place on every shirt. Isn't that horrible? It's horrible, alright.
Anyway, so partly because of that and partly because I hate to have stuff that stains splatter on my four shirts when I am cooking, I really like to wear aprons. I have several of them and I wear them often. And I've found that once I have one on, I usually wear it for the rest of the day. I love being in an apron for some reason. It makes me feel domestic and I feel like it's flattering, and I just feel protected or something. One of the aprons I often wear is a red one with the name Jurgen embroidered on it. Who's Jurgen? I don't know. This particular apron is one of those reject items that was sent from Pottery Barn to DownEast Home because it had a flaw or had the wrong name embroidered onto it. Anyway....

And guess what? Something really remarkable has happened in my home--and more specifically, in my shower. My shampoo and conditioner will be running out at almost the exact same time. Have you ever had that happen? I haven't either! What an amazing first....


  1. that counter/button/shirt thing is so weird! well at least that means that you are actually dressed while you are at home, unlike me who sports nothing but "stretchy pants". trivia quest: what's that off of? ok that's too easy

  2. I must not do enough dishes because that doesn't happen to my shirts, but I have a friend that has the same problem. And, I love to wear aprons too, and my husband always makes fun of me! I still like them!

  3. Laura: Nacho Libre (you're right, easy cheese.)

    Ann: I have to wear an apron every day at Pier 1 Imports. I like it because if I am wearing an ugly outfit it covers it right up. It's great. Questch. Which usually runs out first? Your shampoo or conditioner? My conditioner always runs out first...

  4. I have the hole in my tops in the same place because of the counters at work. Irritating, because now I hate to wear nice clothes to work only to get ruined. Maybe I should start wearing aprons at work.

  5. That happens to my shirts ALL the time! I'm so glad you finally gave me the reason why since the only other one that's ever been suggested to me was that it was rubbing against my belt buckle... Ummm... I don't wear belts. Shoot...I need to get myself a cute apron to wear all day.
