Monday, November 29, 2010


For those of you who live in Florence (or the surrounding areas) and may not otherwise know, this Friday from 1 to 7 and Saturday from 10 to 5, our church is hosting the 5th annual Community Creche Festival. If you are not already familiar with it--it is basically just a huge collection of the nativities of people in our community. They come from all different countries and are made out of all sorts of materials--soap, paper, metals, glass, etc. There are those that have been sewn, those that have been painted and even those that have been made and/or colored by children. You can stay for as long or as briefly as you like, and while you're there you can enjoy cookies and Christmas music performed live periodically throughout the festival. Everyone is welcome--there is even a kids' table with nativities to color and display while you are there. Anyway, I know some of you may think Mormons are weird, and I'll give you that, and there are some things that make our churches all a little different, but I think mostly we have the same goals and desires and we certainly all worship and love Jesus Christ and desire to be like him. I have benefited from and enjoyed the events sponsored by many of the other Christian churches in town, and I hope this event will be no different. It is improving every year. So anyway, I invite you to pack up the family and come. I will be hosting (hostessing?) on Saturday during the noon hour, and would love to see you there then. Merry Christmas!

P.S. Oh, yeah. And just in case you're wondering--there will be no cost (and nothing being sold) and absolutely no proselyting. So don't you worry. :)

1 comment:

  1. Annie.....Happy Birthday to a fabulous mother, wife and friend...and I can add cousin to that. :) Its so fitting that your birthday is the first of December to kick off your fav. time of year w/ a Christmasy birthday~, Heavenly Father knew what He was doing, eh! Love ya,

