Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Just More Pictures


  1. Ha Ann, you are the toughest girl I know, I knew you could do it if you wanted to. For me who has been blessed with healthy and as you say, quick labors, which makes a HUGE difference, the process is so beautiful that I couldn't do it any other way if I were payed. Let me remind you, that as a little girl, I wanted 4. Then I eeked to 5. You said you wanted to have 7 like your mom, and I realized, though it sounded like such a stress even then....that 7 sounded like the number I wanted too. :) Then you get there and realize every mother is a saint...every pregnancy, delivery and especially raising the child a miracle if everyone makes it out alive and descent. :)
    That said...the illusive number 7 stretches like heaven before me. I may never get there. But do you know four does not feel over the top as much as three, and Milly in particular is such a great help!
    Can I say your family is so beautiful? Every last one of them, Dannon (sp?)on up to Camp, you and Brian. You've got some awfully sweet pics there, tender. Loving. You look delightfully babalicious, no surprise there, however. How do you pull it off?

    Love ya,

  2. ...That said, I have the children because each time that desire and emptiness of missing one comes, and not to get to the number of course. As you know the pain and the joy! From the angel-monsters! :) I shudder at loosing, each one brings a joy and brightness that could never be replaced. It is my privilege, and my own marathon, I guess I get sick joy in pain, but yes I do and I will continue forward! That said, if I can't have more than four, I will just be so grateful! I will adopt if the Lord wants me to and I feel that burning desire...but I love four! Happy arrival at 4 Ann, Happy Arrival, and good job too! P.S. I like the popping zits part however if they aren't mine, they aren't nearly as fun to watch.

  3. I loved these pictures and you look amazing! OMG I am jealous!!!

  4. he is so cute ann!
    and you look smokin as usual.

  5. Okay here's the truth...eat more. You are too stinking skinny too soon and you are making me jealous! He is darling. He looks like he might have a darker skin tone huh. Cute. And you even had time to curl your hair. you are amazing!

  6. Love the pictures! Your children are so darling and beautiful. Love you, K

  7. Congratulations! He is a handsome little guy. I am glad the delivery went well. You look fantastic (as always).

  8. How do you look so freakin good and not at all like you just had a baby? You make me sick. For real. And when did lil Campers start looking so much like you? I saw Seth the other day. I miss your family. You (ALL) rock. :)

  9. Skip is so cute! I wish you could've came down for the funeral just so I could see you and all your cute kids. Maybe blade and I will have to make a trip down there.

  10. Um, how do you look gorgeous after giving birth and then come home and take care of 4 kids and STILL look gorgeous? I'm seriously asking...

  11. yo annie. when do i get to meet skip? bring him on down already would ya

  12. Ann...what a darling family!! Your Mom said your baby was beautiful and now I saw for myself. Kisses to all of them for me. Love, Grandma Hatch

  13. An Ultra?? Crazy! Way to go Brian!

  14. Ann, I love your annual Christmas letters. . .this years' was...hilarious. . .but disappointing. Your family is spectacular. The Lord has blessed you so abundantly. Your blog is always good for a hearty chuckle! I remember your brand of tired. Now I have the payoff. Life is good! xox
