Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Still, Still, Still

You know what? Ignore what I have written in my personal little ditty on the left side of my blog. Sometimes it isn't fun being a mom. I don't always love it. Some of the time I don't even like it. Too often I realize I've gone through an entire day without really smiling or laughing with or even at my children. And I then I feel awful. But it is really, really hard. My personal belief is that we are commanded to get married and have kids mainly because it is in doing so that we have the greatest opportunity to become perfected. In other words--it is in marriage and raising children that we are forced to confront each of our weaknesses. And I've got a slew of them. Thank goodness for forgiveness. Thank goodness for the atonement. Thank goodness for tomorrow. Oh, thank goodness for tomorrow.

What would I do without my children? I would go shopping all the time. I would have a really clean house. I'd have conversations all day long without being interrupted. I'd probably get dressed and do my hair everyday. And I'd be miserable. That's for sure.

You know what I love? Mannheim Steamroller's Still, Still, Still. There's nothing like a little Still, Still, Still to restore my peace.


  1. Thank you for this!! I have had too many days like this recently and it makes me feel absolutely awful! I even wrote a story called "My Make Believe Life", in which I had the most beautiful life going and no kids and it was very sad. (Insert sigh here). You're not alone sister!!

  2. This is me sending you a hug. . you know Im not a big hugger, but I'm making an exception are awesome and mom is a hard job. .

  3. Coming from someone who struggles daily with being a mother, THANK YOU! Love you!!!

  4. You always take the words out of my head. It is hard and i feel the same way. It is comforting to know that i am not alone. Moms need to stick together and not sugarcoat the truth:)

  5. I agree with you 100%. Aaron still talks about you guys being the coolest kid he knows. Kaori

  6. Bout time you posted! Ann, don't be too hard on yourself. You are a great mother.
