Tuesday, January 17, 2012

On The Menu

Tonight we had the missionaries over for dinner and I decided to fix Katie's Olive Garden Zuppa Toscana.  Very good.  I was thinking I was going to have to be a little more careful with my portion size on this one, given all the good stuff in it--italian sausage, bacon, whipping cream....but no luck.  I'm sitting here at the computer desperately trying to suck in my overstuffed belly.  I hate when I do this.  But, man, that was some good soup.  Everyone but Camp ate it and loved it.  Camp didn't even try it.  Ugh.  That drives me crazy.   

But anyway...I love you guys.  Thanks so much for your help.  I'm sure my family appreciates it as well.  So keep helping me decide What's For Dinner, and I look forward to sharing some of my favorite things with you.

Oh, and did I tell you my mom gave me some fake eyelashes for Christmas?!  I'm pretty sure Laura had a hand in that.  I haven't worn those bad boys yet, but they are really cool.  I tried one on the other night and stared in the mirror, imagining myself as a long-eyelashed beauty.  When Sarah was visiting, we went to Target and the girl at the register had the longest eyelashes I think I have ever seen.  I couldn't even think about anything else--I was just so taken with those stinkin' lashes.  I just know my life would be perfect if I had long eyelashes. :)

1 comment:

  1. Ann. I have tried on numerous occasions to put fake eyelashes on, but alas, my sausage-like dad fingers are not coordinated or SOMETHING. I can't get those blasted things on. So props to you for even getting them on. Also, did I tell you that in your family pics you be looking HOT?!

    Also, I love how frequently you have been writing in your blog!
