Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Yo Mama

I've had Yo Mama jokes running through my head lately for some reason.  Wait.  I know the reason.  It's because Brian has recently been responding to my every comment with "Your mom-----(fill in the blank). He thinks he's so funny.  He is pretty funny.  And he's welcome to talk about my mom all he wants because I'm not insecure about my mom.  I know she's the coolest.   But just in case one of you is insecure about your mama, I won't tell any of the "Yo mama's so ugly she couldn't turn on a lamp" jokes. Instead, I was thinking maybe we could share some real jokes about our kids' mamas.  Then we won't hurt any feelings and we'll just be laughing at ourselves.  Got it?  Here--I'll start us out.


Camp's moma's so cheap, she washes and reuses Ziploc bags!  Ooohhhhh!

O.K.  Now you think of some.

Oh, and by the way...THANK YOU for your continued help with dinners around here.  I am continuing to love your recipes.  So if you happen to be making dinner soon and want to tell me what your making, I'd love to hear.   Don't forget the drawing for the 3M strips will be this Saturday.   Yeah.  That's about it.

P.S.  Your mom goes to college.  (I couldn't help it.)


  1. Ann you are too funny! I am still thinking about my you momma joke. I love the what's for dinner idea too.When I get my appetite back I'll be sure to post my ideas! Thank you also for the rug. You are sneaky, very, very sneaky. The only thing better than one thing you love is two! Thank you friend!

  2. Turkey bagel burger...with a green salad. Easy but yumm! We add a little havarti cheese...just because the kids love cheese and will eat most anything with cheese on it.

  3. Yo mama so fat she be striking oil every time she wears high heels. Boom. Disclaimer: this is NOT about our mom. Just a classic yo mama joke.

  4. yo mama so ugly, when she walks past the bathroom the toilets start flushing :)

  5. Oh man-- the really sad thing is that I wash and reuse ziploc bags (or the wally world imitation, which is even worse!) I don't currently have any dinner ideas for you, but I did just find THE BEST BROWNIE recipe that could possibly exist! So if you decide to make brownies for dinner, I will totally win your contest, and you will have one HAPPY family! :)
