Monday, July 9, 2012

Bedroom Reveal


OK, so this isn't really a bedroom reveal.  Bedroom reveal just sounds so much more interesting than new mirror reveal or painted armoire reveal.  Anyway, my Ballard mirrors came last week!  At first, I wasn't sure about them.  I think I had hung them a little high ( undoubtedly the worst and most common decorating mistake) and all I could think of every time I looked at them was Mickey Mouse.  They--alongside the rounded-headboard head--made the perfect ears.  UGH!  So, another package of 3M Strips later (I'm serious--those things work like a champ), they were a few inches lower and a little less Mickey Mousey.  I like them pretty well, now.  They do add a little bit of glamour and sparkle which is absent in the rest of my home.  Oh, and yep!  I dragged in my zebra.  What?  Did you think I was joking about moving it all over the house every time I waned a room to look good? Nope.  I wasn't.  And what do you think of my painted armoire?  Do you remember what it used to look like?  When I painted it, I wasn't intending for it to be almost exactly the same color as my walls.  It's color was from a totally different paint chip and everything.  I guess I just really gravitate to that color blue right now, no matter how much I try to choose something different.  Regardless, I really like it anyway.  I feel like because it is really similar in color to my walls, it's not too obtuse in the room, but still a cool piece.   What do you think?  (Notice I never take any up-close-to-show-you-the-cute-little-details pictures.  That's because the only details you'd see would be dust, sewing mess-ups and weird stuff like routers and wires and stuff.  Maybe when my hydrangeas are ready, I'll cut some and put them in that vase on the night stand by the window and then take a picture of that.  Wouldn't this room just be complete with a little vase of hydrangeas?)  Tell me what you think....


  1. I'll tell you what I think. That room is gorgeous! That's what I think. And the rug is too good to be true

  2. Can you please come decorate my room? Not joking here. I need help!!! I love everything!!

  3. looks fantastic Ann!! I love it. Especially that rug!!!!

  4. Ann, you seriously have a gift. Looks incredible!

  5. Oh, thanks girls! I'm so glad you like it. My room is finally "decorated." :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Oh, my word Ann! What a cool new direction. I love the wall color mixed with the red shades! The mirrors, I think I need me some of those! Maybe the zebra needs to be angled a bit? Just a suggestion to try. I really, really love it and I am so glad you put a notice on FB that you made a new post!

  8. Annie, I love it love the rug in there and I just might have to but me some mirrors for my room as well.. thanks for always inspiring me!
    Melissa B

  9. Thanks again, everyone, for your comments. They make me so, so happy! Brooke, and Melissa--just in case you really are interested in those mirrors, I wanted to tell you that they are on special until July 30th. They're $50 off, which is pretty significant, I think. So anyway...

  10. You live on the wild side! Zebra stripes!
