Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Janey's Birthday and Deck Them Halls

With regard to what's been up with us for the last month or so, "Let me 'splain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up."(Big time bonus points to whomever can name the movie that quote comes from.)     Nope.  I don't even have time or energy to sum up. So here's some pictures. (Never mind that they are all scrambled):


And just one more thing, the winner of my favorite shelf is.........

MELISSA!   THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR HELP WITH DINNER!  ( I couldn't get that video to upload to blogger or youtube for the life of me.  Anyone else using a Mac have this problem?)


  1. Get the freak out of town with that house! I cannot believe how amazing it looks. You are so insanely talented!

    Also, I am dying with anticipation about the shelf. I tried watching the video but it said "error occurred...try again later"!

    Also, can't wait to ppparrrtttaaayyy when you get here. I have some sweet ideas for the fam to do over Christmas!

  2. Beautiful Ann! I love the trees. Those are my favorite kind....the ones where the ornaments can actually hang. Enjoy the holiday. We love your family. Nickee

  3. Oh my heavens, your home is so cute!!! I have been thinking of you guys with Terry's passing.... And by the way half marathon in Scio feb 2!

  4. I love looking at the pictures of your house. It's so beautiful!

  5. OIY I love your house! I need you to come decorate mine ASAP!

  6. man. your house belongs in a decorator's magazine!
