Sunday, September 7, 2014

I Heart Sundays

 Did I tell you this summer has been the best summer ever?  It has.  And sometime I am going to write all about it.  But for now, I'm just going to share my favorite part of it.  My family.


  1. I get on your blog and see THREE new posts! It's like Christmas! That family reunion was perfect, wasn't it? I want us to all be back together again.

    Love you!

  2. Thanks for reading, Audge! I decided not to advertise on Facebook when I post, because then I don't feel like I'm asking people to read my blog and I also don't feel as pressured to write something interesting...

    Yes, the family reunion was very close to perfection for me. I seriously loved it.

    And I love you, too.
    And not just because you didn't give up on my blog.

  3. I'm not giving up on your blog either, Ann! In fact, I check it faithfully. Wee! Weh! Tickoo!
