Thursday, April 30, 2015

Dreeeeeeaaaamm. Dream. Dream. Dreeeeaaaam.

Last night I dreamed that Brian and I were back in our first year of marriage, and we were in a fight, and we were having our wedding reception on our 1st year anniversary.  We showed up separately and in street clothes, and it was pretty awful.  In my dream, a nice man--a friend of my parents--showed up and gave me (as a wedding gift) a handful of used, but nice, oil paints and brushes.

Someone interpret that one.    My interpretation:  I'm still deeply scarred from the experiences of my first year of marriage.

In other news, I uncovered a new, super big leaf this week.  For the first time in my ENTIRE life, I developed a zit that I have not tried to pop.  I have left it alone!  And you know what??  It is now going away!  This is a HUGE step for me.  Because I'm a picker.  More on that later.

1 comment:

  1. To enjoy wedding and spend some memorable moments one must select best wedding reception venues. I am helping my uncle to book a wedding venue within their budget for my cousin’s wedding as she is quite busy.
