Friday, May 8, 2015

Back in NY

Right before I opened my eyes this morning, I was dreaming I was back at my Mom and Sister Reunion, and Allecia and I were in some kind of hot air balloon thing that was designed just like the chandelier that is hanging in my room--the one Brian made.  We had to hang on to the frame so as to not fall out and go careening to the earth.  And we actually weren't in NY this time.  We were somewhere else--on a cruise, I think.  But I was back at the reunion, so it was a good dream.

Our trip to New York was super fun--the best M&S reunion yet, I'd say.  We spent three full days in NYC, walking and exploring and experiencing New York City.  My favorite parts?  Feeding birds with a bird man in Washington Square, dancing in the subway station just before midnight, and eating together on Stone Street.  But every minute was good.


  1. This made me smile so much. I just love your whole family. Your mom did something very right:) beautiful strong women!

  2. Oh, thank you, Heather! My mom DID do a lot right. We are very lucky. :)

  3. Man--I love that city so much and I love you and our amazing sisters and amazing mom.

  4. I loved this trip so much! But most of all I love being with my girls. I am such a blessed mom to have you all as my best friends! Love you anner!

  5. Best trip ever. My family sustains me.
