Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Open Enrollment

Today while I was at the library, I got a call from the principal at Camp's school. He told me that he had been made aware that Camp had been passing out a "letter" of some sort at recess and asked me if I knew about it. Sure I did. I had been the one to make 19 copies of the original. You know. For all the kids that will be dying to get into Camp's exclusive Karate class. So anyway, when I started laughing and told Mr. Harkleroad I was aware of the document, he remained silent--not quite sure what to say next. Then he said, "I don't want to ruin his entrepreneurial spirit, but we can't have him passing these out at school." I understood, of course, and asked him if he could please go easy on Camp when he addressed the issue with him. He agreed. After school, when Mr. Harkleroad was directing traffic near the parking lot, I rolled down my window to ask him if he would be signing up. He laughed and told me that he had asked Camp what kind of moves he knew and Camp had responded with "sand the floor" and "paint the fence". Pretty much all the best ones. :) Not bad for twenty bucks.


  1. ann please tell me you will keep that sign up sheet forever and maybe even frame it

  2. That is one of the funniest things I have ever heard!

  3. Awesome!! I'll totally sign Spencer up. Does he make house visits?=)

  4. Ahaha, that's bomb. Glad the principal handled it well.

  5. oh my heck! That is hilarious! Man you have some entertaining kids :)

    PS you need to teach me this sleeping through the night schedule you have with Skip

  6. hi Ann--this is lambert, Melissa's hubby... anyway--just wanted to say thanks for the karate post. funny stuff! seriously, i'll pay Camp $50 if he'll teach me to pluck flies out of the air with chopsticks...

  7. You do have hilarious children! Camp is pure awesomeness! I laughed so hard. Wishing we lived close, Byron would love to take his class! :)

  8. Ann this is so funny! Ruben brought one home too. He was seriously considering signing up, since he knew Camp would be such a good teacher/sensi. But decided not to sign up and just invite Camp over to play instead. Check out our blog...got some cute pics of Camp at the field trip to Oregon Dunes. thetuckerfamilyrules.blogspot.com

  9. I loved seeing you and your family. You are such a good mom! I love you Anner!!!!

  10. Camp rocks! (wait, isn't that a Disney movie?) :)
