Thursday, May 19, 2011

Since pictures are worth a thousand words...


  1. I love these pictures and I love Campers and Janie Mac DAWLING and baby Dan and da Skippa! In the first picture of us girls it looks like I have a stump for a leg, but then in the next ones my leg looks buff so it's coo.

    Love, Pootsie Pew Pew

  2. Love them all, but especially the one of you all at the restaurant and your mom is just hugging your baby so tight.=)

  3. "da skippa's" smile is so cute i just want to bite his forehead. i love all the pictures!

    ps i just had to google "how do you spell forehead". that's pretty bad

  4. Oh and your hair looks so good!

  5. I love the pics but it's time for more please.
