Wednesday, September 28, 2011


So this morning as I was arriving at the school to drop off Camp and Jane, Camp started wiggin' out. Apparently he had forgotten something very important. Desperately wanting to avoid any kind of breakdown, I quickly reassured him that we would return home to grab the forgotten item(s). On the way home, I asked him what he had forgotten. He hesitated and then said it was his homework. Since he had already told me he did not have any homework to return, and because I could tell he was not wanting to tell me the truth, I asked him to try again. Finally he told me that he needed to grab three shirts and a few pieces of paper. What for? For the club he is heading. It doesn't have a name yet, but it will be a ninja club and their meeting place will be the treehouse for which he is currently drawing the plans. Remember? Today was the day that each club member would be assigned a special animal spirit (thank you, power rangers) and be instructed on how to tie a ninja mask with a tee-shirt. Oh, man. I hope he doesn't get in trouble again. That kid....


  1. Classic.=) Mitchell all the way through!

  2. Hahahaha. Dude Camp is going to be the CEO of a massive corporation one day.

  3. I love his mind :) And I love that you let him be free with it.

  4. CEO? How about CIA assassin. Just kinding Ann. I think it's hysterical.

  5. Funny...while camping last weekend Ruben disappeared from the camp fire and then later returned (in the dark) and sneakily appeared with a t-shirt wrapped around his head with only his eyes showing! It startled all of us and we all got a great laugh. There were three more kids camping with us, then all of them wanted their packs, to retrieve their ninja tshirt and wanted Ruben to tie them on! Oh Ann, I wander what kind of things our boys will get into in their future together! All in good fun. Amber

  6. Dustin happens to think that this is Camps finest quality. He tells everyone about the karate moves he learned from Master Camp.
