Sunday, October 23, 2011


It's been a good couple of weeks. Its birthday season at our house, you know. My little Sugar Plum turned four. She is adding; she is swimming; she is feisty and tough as heck; and when she cries, huge tears pour out of her eyes. When Dan was a baby, one of Audrey's boyfriends asked if she were Asian. Asian?? But now I can see it. Albino Asian, maybe. It's her eyes. They are so unusual--they're like little squinted, slanted paisleys and I love them. And my Homie is now EIGHT YEARS OLD. Crazy. And so he was baptized, and officially became a follower of Christ. Over the last several months, I've spent a good deal of mental energy thinking about his baptism (and just baptism in general) and what it means. And I won't tell you all of What I Think now, because there is too much. I'll save that for another day. But Camp's a cool kid. He's a leader. He loves to ask questions and wants to be able to understand everything. He's very creative, very curious, very interested. And he's amazing with babies. Have I ever said that?....

And we had my mom and Brian's mom and Rachel and Stacy and their kids all here for Camp's baptism! So fun...

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