Saturday, January 14, 2012

My Christmas Rug

As I've told you before, the only thing that gets me through taking down Christmas without sliding into depression is the excitement surrounding whatever decorating items I get.  This year Brian gave me the rug I had pinned on my Pinterest board a couple months ago.  I love it.  I also got a little money to go after-Christmas shopping and picked up a couple fun stars at Pier 1 (and a bunch of stuff from Target).  I'm going to enjoy the stars for a couple of weeks and then I'll pack them away with my Christmas stuff.  I  also kept a little holiday spirit by making a couple of holiday arrangements with Christmas tree branches, berries and pine cones.   I feel like they are neutral enough to just be winter decor.  What do you think?  Also, I never showed you the headboards I made for my girls' beds.  I was going to do tufting, but I forgot to buy button-covering kits and then I just got too impatient...So anyway...they are still a huge improvement just the way they are.  And a while back I did a little project on my bedroom walls with my kids' silhouettes.  I love them.  It's amazing how individual and unique the outline of each of their faces is and how much personality each shows. And any day now, I'm going to be painting again, so I'll show you how that looks when it happens.

I haven't done Skip's silhouette yet because he wouldn't hold still; but can you see where it will go when it's done?

And by the way, we had a wonderful Christmas.  Lots of relaxing, lots of candy, lots of watching movies, lots of messes, lots of fun.


  1. I am obsesssed with this post. Yes, obsesssed, with 3 s's. How in the crap did you do those silhouettes? Those are awesome and they look just like your kids. I love the rug and everything about every picture.

    I GET TO SEE YOU SOON! Weeeee!

  2. I love all the changes and the rug! What is that black word board in the kitchen above the cupboards? I need an upclose of that. And how did I miss the, "What's for Dinner?" Where have I been, I'm winning it for sure. AT least I hope! Thanks for my rug I loved it and was super surprised when I got it.
