Saturday, January 14, 2012

My First Giveaway and What's For Dinner?!

You know how I've told you how much I love my favorite things party?  And you know how I've told you that I REALLY dislike having to think about what to cook for dinner?   Well, I've decided to do a new thing on my blog--a series called What's For Dinner.  The way it will work is this:  Every Saturday, I will post an entry called What's For Dinner? .  You will then have a week to post a comment on that entry giving me a suggestion as to what to cook for dinner.  That next Friday night, I will have my husband read off the suggestions and I will choose at least one to cook during the upcoming week.  Then on Saturday, I will post which meal(s) I chose and I will ask you again What's For Dinner for the next week, etc.  Now--each of the names of those whose suggested meals I choose will be put into a monthly drawing for one of my favorite things!  (I will tell you beforehand which of my favorite things it will be) Then, on the night of My Favorite Things Party in December, I will randomly draw one final entry from all of the dinner suggestions submitted throughout the year, and the winner will receive one of Brian's storage or entry shelves--valued at 229! (You can see Pottery Barn's here )  So even if you suggest that I make Tofu and olives for dinner, and I do not choose it (and I surely won't)  you will still get a chance at the shelf.  However, if I do make the meal you suggest, you will get double entries in the December giveaway.  Get it?  What do you think?  
The winner will choose this shelf in white or black and have a couple hook options.
So.....What's For Dinner?  Oh, and don't forget to tell me how to make it--this at least triples your chances of my choosing it :) (The winner of this month's drawing will receive a combo pack of 3M picture hanging strips that I mentioned here.  The winner will be drawn on Saturday, January 28th.  

P.S.  I prefer meals that are fairly well balanced and nutritious--whole grains, fresh veggies, etc., but don't get too crazy.  I'd probably feel overwhelmed by anything too extreme.  And as you may have guessed, I'm not super big on tofu or olives. :)  Thanks in advance for your help with dinner!!


  1. Although I know you like to eat healthy, I am going to throw in a few of my not-so-healthy favorite meals too!

    But for this time, you should make baked spaghetti squash tossed with butter, grilled chicken, sautéed peppers and topped with parmesan cheese/salt.

    One of my favorites and SO low in calories. I lose weight every time I eat this for dinner plus my kids think it is spaghetti noodles and don't complain about eating healthy.

  2. One of our new favorites is french dip sandwiches. It's quick and easy. Put a chuck roast in the crockpot/cast iron pan with a packet of onion soup, beef broth. Cook on high/350 for 3 hours or low/350 for 6 hours. Pick up some rolls from the grocery store. Add some roasted veges. So good.

    can't wait to see you. K

  3. salmon is for dinner, that's what. i do it the easiest way possible.

    boneless, skinless, frozen salmon fillets. stick them in a glass pan (still frozen if you're lazy like me) brush some olive oil on them. squirt some lemon juice on them. pepper them. shake some garlic powder on them. chop up some parsley and put that on top. more lemon juice. you want each one to be pretty coated. bake it in the oven at 375 for like-25 min? maybe even a little less. eat it over rice with some brocoli on the side. it's super good and very healthy.

  4. I'm chubby, not healthy, but I do like good food so here you go.

    Chicken enchiladas,

    So easy, and SOOO amazing!! Add some veggie on the side in a steamer bag and you got your healthy and your easy.

  5. Hi Ann, here is a recipe we got from Mim a few years ago but it is seriously one of my most fave soups EVER. I hope this helps you!

    Olive Garden Zuppa Toscana

    Makes: 6-8 servings


    1 lb ground Italian sausage
    1½ tsp crushed red peppers
    1 large diced white onion
    4 Tbsp bacon pieces
    2 tsp garlic puree
    10 cups water
    5 cubes of chicken bouillon (or10 cups of chicken broth)
    1 cup heavy cream
    1 lb sliced Russet potatoes, or about 3 large potatoes
    ¼ of a bunch of kale

    Sautee Italian sausage and crushed red pepper in pot. Drain excess fat, refrigerate while you prepare other ingredients.

    2. In the same pan, sautee bacon, onions and garlic for approxiamtly 15 mins. or until the onions are soft.
    3.Mix together the chicken bouillon and water, then add it to the onions, bacon and garlic. Cook until boiling.
    4.Add potatoes and cook until soft, about half an hour.
    5.Add heavy cream and cook until thoughouly heated.
    6. Stir in the sausage.
    7. Add kale just before serving. Delicious!

  6. haha! katie totally took mine! we love Zuppa tuscana in our house, too. But we also love brown Sugar chicken!
    1c. brown sugar, 2 Tbs dijon mustard, 1 large clove minced garlic, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp paprika, 1/2 tsp pepper, 1/4 tsp crushed red pepper, 1/2 - 1 c 7-up, 2 lbs BSCB (boneless, skinless chicken breasts).
    Mix everything minus the BSCB in a ziplock bag. Add enough 7-up to make a thick dressing consistency.
    Marinate chicken in sauce at least 30 minutes. (I do mine all day.)
    Bake at 350 for 30-35 minutes (until done) or grill - yum!
    Take the remaining juices and place in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil and then reduce heat and simmer until reduced by half.
    Spoon over cooked chicken.

    We eat this with bowtie pasta and some yummy homemade bread and steamed veggies!
    Seriously - it's REALLY good. And while it's not the healthiest out there, it beats tofu and olives by a landslide.

    Fun giveaway, Ann!

  7. Chicken with mushroom sauce!! It is so delish and the first time in my life that I actually made non-dry chicken! The recipe is here:

    PS. Your house is so amazing. Love the style!

  8. I totally feel like a cheat because let's be honest; I definitely have not made the recipe I am going to share because I am poor and can't afford to buy all of these ingredients. BUT. I LOVE PINEAPPLE CURRY (it's one of my favorite Thai dishes) so this recipe is bound to be good.

    Here it is:

    Also, I recently had some artichoke dip with some whole grain chips and I about did a happy dance after eating that madness. So freaking good. Here's a recipe for that that seems promising:

  9. Okay I love this idea! So awesome! So dinner tonight was guiltless alfredo over chicken and pasta. This is fabulous because it's quick, good and you can add chicken or not depending if you want to have your meatless option.

    2 cups low fat milk
    2 tbs. flour, 3 oz. cream cheese
    pinch of salt
    2 cloves garlic
    1 cup grated parmesan cheese
    2 tbs. butter

    Toss milk, flour, cream cheese, and salt in a blender. Melt butter in a saucepan and sauté garlic for about 30 seconds. Add you milk mixture and stir frequently for about 3-4 minutes while it starts to simmer. Stir for a few minutes longer until it starts to thicken. Take off heat and add the parmesan cheese, mix and cover immediately. Let it stand for 10 minutes and it will continue to thicken. You can use this over pasta, on pizza, or as dipping sauce. Way good and no heavy cream!

    I usually serve this over pasta with chicken sometimes and with a green like brussel sprouts sautéed and steamed in olive oil and water. Or asparagus yum! The other night I added sautéed mushrooms and it was really good :)

  10. PS I would probably double this for your family. That will serve about 4-5 people so you may get away with it but who doesn't love leftovers :)

  11. I really want to try this because I've been wanting to try quinoa for a while:

    I love this website too-tons of step by step pictures!

  12. On the subject of your family photos--too cute. William pointed out how much Camp looks like you. If you look at his b&w individual shot then look up to the left to see your profile picture the resemblance is striking.
    On the subject of your decorating, I will again pass along Wililam's feedback as he looked longingly at your living room furniture: "That is a really nice house." I'm sure that he would pick your decor over ours anyway. Well done. He has fine tastes.
    On the subject of your giveaway and recipes--here's the best lentil soup I've ever had. Pretty healthy, low in meat, and bursting with flavor:
    But with these changes to make it exotic (thanks to The New Best Recipe): Follow the recipe for Hearty Lentil Soup, adding 1 tsp. ground cumin, 1 tsp ground coriander, 1 tsp. ground cinnamon, and 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper along with the garlic; substitute lemon juice for the balsamic vinegar and minced fresh cilantro leaves for the parsley.

  13. Aw, man, Melissa. I love William. He automatically wins the giveaway for all his nice comments! Maybe, not, but he sure deserves something very nice. THANK YOU will have to suffice for now. That soup sounds great! I still make your black bean salsa all the time, too. :)
