Sunday, September 9, 2012


So get this:  Late last night, Brian finally told me that for three days I have had really bad breath.  Are you serious?!  He suffered through three days of talking, kissing, and me without telling me?  Oh, my heavens!  I am so embarrassed.  I think he waited so long to tell me because he didn't want to embarrass me--but instead, I'm just triply embarrassed.  What in the heck am I supposed to do?  I brush thoroughly and often, and I even floss now and then. :)  No seriously--I'm a pretty good flosser.  And you better believe that since last night, I've been gargling mouth wash like crazy...But Brian says the halitosis continues.  Great.  Now what?  Well, this isn't the first time this has happened....

When I was in college, I dated a guy named Johnny for quite some time.  And we broke up several times--or rather tried to break up several times--but we'd always find ways to see each other and then the relationship would start again.  So day we had seen each other at the Devotional and had ended up finding a private stairwell afterward--ahem...--And man, that made my day!  But later, as I recounted what had happened to Sarah, she stopped me to break the news to me that I was sporting some seriously bad breath.  And it wasn't the normal haven't-brushed-your-teeth-in-a-while breath, she said.  It was the something-is-rotting-in-your stomach kind.  Really?  I didn't even know there was that kind.   I was horrified, especially considering I had just been locking lips with Johnny.  And no matter how hard I blew into my cupped hands, I could smell nothing.  Whatever, though.  I needed to quickly remedy the situation and do it fast because Johnny and I had also made plans for later that evening.    Well, Sarah and I booked it to the store and loaded up on gum and mouth wash and then went home to see what it did for me.  Nothing!  So I called my doctor/uncle and told him the situation and he told me that most likely I had a sinus infection which would require antibiotics.  Perfect.  I'd have to schedule an appointment the next day.  Johnny would have to suffer through another smelly date that day. :(  Why the heck didn't I cancel?  Oh, I don't know.  You know how love is...

Turns out I did, in fact, have a sinus infection.  Maybe I have one now, too.  I'm not sure.  I don't have any other symptoms...

OK.  So other than my bad breath, life's been pretty good lately!  We had our dance party on Friday and it was a really good time.  Brian spent hours setting up a stage, stringing lights, hooking up speakers, hanging a projector screen,  etc.  and our friends were so wonderful to oblige me and my girls.  My girl Gain Goo seriously danced the entire time, and when the music ended, she was still asking for one more song.  :)  Danin hung in there pretty well, too, and even Brian danced some.  Camp mainly just ran around the dark yard with the rest of the boys, periodically appearing out of the bushes.  I was happy he was having his kind of fun.  It really was a dream come true for me.   The only misfortune of my having danced my little heart out was that I did not take one picture.  Brian got a couple of video clips, but they are too long to show here.  You'll just have to imagine the fun... :)

And my summer trip to Vegas and Utah.  I still haven't told you about it.  And now I don't have it in me to include all the details.  Suffice it to say, the kids and I had a wonderful time.  I absolutely loved every minute spent with my family--both sides--and the things we were able to do.  We went shopping, ice-blocking, swimming, bridal showering, Seth's wedding and receptioning (yep, my littlest brother is a married man), dancing, camping, canyoneering, hiking....Man, it was fun.  I got to spend my few special days with Sarah toward the end and even spent a night with Merrit and April on the way out.  My only regret is not having spent more time with Charley.  I hadn't seen him in two years and didn't get the chance to enjoy him as much as I would have liked.  One of the highlights of the trip, though, was an evening on which he and I and Sarah, Laura, Audrey, John, and Heather and Charley Hatch stayed up late playing games and laughing.  So at least I have that.  And I'll keep it.

And here's another little bedroom reveal for you.  I had the idea to put up some trim in the girls room, and called Brian to pass the idea by him.  He came home and busted it all out that very night.  Hook-ups, I tell you.  I am one lucky lady.  

And the first day of school has come and gone.  We're back to homework battles, finding shoes, signing papers, working through frustrations; but all in all, I think we're off to a good start.  

Thanks for reading...I love you all.
I even made those curtains!  They are actual functioning roman shades!  Pretty good, huh?


  1. SO fun! All your photos are so great and it sounds like such a blast! And Skip is so stinking cute! Is he ever not smiling?!

    PS check your tongue for a film, if so, use a tongue scrapper or toothbrush and brush downward, swiping out after your done brushing and the film should go away. (Use separate toothbrush). There is also a few halotosis specific mouthrinse systems. Closys and BreathRx are two i reccommend to patients. I know Closys is at Walgreens :)

  2. Ooh, thanks, Zahara! I do often brush my tongue when i'm done brushing, but I will certainly be more dilligent and brush downward like you said. And I'll Ihave to get me some of that stuff you recommended, too. Great what does it say about you when you have to get prescription deodorant AND mouthwash? I am one stinky girl :(.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Check into tonsiliths. They stink.

  5. Your trips looked amazing! I think your girls are super lucky to have you for a mom, and you are super lucky to have the hook-ups with Brian! Their room is adorable! I love it!

  6. Most brilliant post title.

    I feel like I live my entire life with bad breath insecurity.

  7. " need a tic-tac or something 'cause yo breath STANKS!!!"

    Name that movie.

    I'll just tell you. It's Shrek.

    Bad breath = nasty "curds" (holy crap I hate that word so much. It makes me want to barf) stuck in your tonsils. You gotta get them out. I make sure to do it every now and then and it WORKS.

    Anyway, I LOVB all the pictures.

  8. love your pictures & i hear you on the bad breath. but i'm too lazy to do anything abt it, so i just pretend its not there. where did you get your swimsuit? i love it!!!! and i want one so tell me! (seriously i need a swimsuit so bad...mine is a handme down from HS& last time we were at 7 peaks rob was like "why's your swimsuit sagging?" "cuz its old & worn out! i need a new one!" i am also considering getting a rash guard...

  9. Thanks, Marseille!

    My swim suit is actually two pieces and I got it at TJ Max! It's a Michael Kohr suit and I guess he's some cool fashion designer..I guess I got lucky! :)
