Sunday, September 2, 2012

Tooth Fairy

I've already told you how I was forced to divulge the truth about the tooth fairy with my kids, right?  (Camp found some Fruit-By-The-Foots up in my closet--the SAME treats left under his pillow by the tooth fairy the night before.  Doh!) And it hasn't been a big deal.  Just like I didn't care as a child that it was my parents who were leaving all those gifts under the Christmas Tree, my kids haven't seemed to mind that it has been me all along leaving those fruit roll-ups.  However, I had a tragic thing happen the other day.  Janey lost like her third tooth in a week period and was very excited to see what treat I would leave to replace it.  ( I had already done my duty for the other two.)  Well, guess what happened?  I know!  It's horrible!  I forgot!  Now I realize this wouldn't normally be that big of a deal, especially considering she already knows the tooth-fairy secret.  It became a big deal when I realized that THIS is what had been left for me under Jane's pillow:
I became aware of it when Jane threw it at me the next morning, before stomping off yelling, "You forgot!"  Ohhhh, maaaannnn.   I felt bad.  Real bad.  Man, I love that girl.  She's feisty--man, has she been feisty lately.  But her heart!  There's nothing like it.    And don't you worry.  Last night, I made sure to more than make up for my oversight the night before.  

One more thing.  Just in case I don't get  a chance to post a new entry to my blog before Friday (I still have to chronicle my summer vacation for you, after all),  I need to remind you about our Dance Party this Friday at 7.  There will be dancing--just dancing--and we will have a ball.  So let me know if you will be joining us, so I can plan accordingly.  We're counting the days.... :)


  1. I sure wish I could come and dance with you on Friday! Great idea... treats for teeth! :)

  2. Oh man! Yours and Janey's relationship is so tender! I love it! She's such a cute little thing. And don't be so hard on yourself. You are a great mom. Love you!

  3. A sneaky tooth fairy trick I learned to hide the tooth fairy's forgetfulness is to hide the money (treat) in your hand/sleeve/whatever, and tear the child's bed apart looking for the goods, and "find" it in the mayhem. It probably wouldn't have worked this time since you wouldn't have an explanation as to why you didn't find the note, but it can be a useful tip if the tooth fairy every forgets again! Ours is rather forgetful.
