As I mentioned at Christmastime, I love getting good mail. Upon getting the mail, I used to comment to Camp that everything in the mail was "lame." Later, Camp started getting the mail for me and asking me if it was lame. Now, he just opens the box, pulls out the mail, and says, "Lame, lame, lame!" And most of the time he is right: bills, credit card offers, grocery store ads, and the like. But once in a while, I get something good. Recently, I have gotten a few good things--my real simple magazine, and Meg's wedding announcement! Congratulations, Meg! I can't wait to be there!
And talking about mail has gotten me thinking....Have any of you ever seen the Charlie Brown Valentine Special? If you're interested in a real tear jerker, this is the movie for you. It's not a tear jerker because it's so happy. It's a tear jerker because it is positively the most depressing cartoon that has ever been written.

You see, the story begins with Charlie Brown carrying two little suitcases to school on Valentine's Day. "Why?" Linus asks. Because Charlie wants to make sure that he has a way of carrying home all of his Valentines. Well, the class party is underway and the Valentines are being passed out and all of the kids are loving it--well, all of the kids except Charlie, that is. He doesn't receive a one. NOT ONE! Come on, man. Where are Linus and Snoopy in a time of need? I don't know. All I know is that Charlie Brown walked home that day with a very sad face and two empty little suitcases. And THEN (this is where the mail part comes in) Charlie wonders if maybe someone mailed him a Valentine, and it just hasn't gotten to him yet. Nope. So the movie ends with one of the kids in Charlie's class giving him a used Valentine. Pathetic.
I wonder if this movie is so hard for me because it reminds me of some of my own experiences. In seventh grade, I experienced a Valentine's Day that almost ended as bad as Charley Brown's. At my school (like many of yours, I'm sure), one of the clubs made Valentine-0-grams that you could buy and have delivered to your friends. Well, I went home from school one day and mentioned them to my mom and how I knew I wouldn't be getting any. So Valentine's Day came and I was sitting in my sixth period class, and the Valentine-o-grams started coming.--just like in the Charlie Brown movie. I remember feeling sad and awkward and lonely--wishing I had friends to send me a Valentine. Before too long, the most wonderful thing of my life (almost) happened. I heard my name called! Someone had sent me a Valentine! Man, I was so excited! And then my name was called again, and again, and again. I got like seven Valentines! Ann, the girl with no boyfriends--and no friends, for that matter--had gotten some Valentines! Who were they from? My wonderful mom, of course. Good ol' Mom. I think that was the day that I realized that there was no one in the world as great as my mom...
I love the wedding invitation. She looks beautiful and tell her I said congratulations. What a lucky guy huh?
I don't know what has been happening to your comments! That's so wierd! I can hardly believe that there was a time in your life when you didn't have friends and weren't popular because EVERYBODY loves you. Sometimes I feel bad calling you because you have 50 million people who call you throughout the day and I feel like I'm overloading you or something! Not to mention the 3000 comments you get on your blog posts everytime! You could never be a Charlie Brown. Nice try, but I'm not buyin it!!!!!
Thank heavens for moms. And although I had many Valentine's Days as you have just described... I don't think my mom usually came to my rescue at school. She always did at home though, and honestly, that's where it counts :)
Annie...I totally know the feeling. I experienced that all through jr. high when you could buy carnations for people. And every single year I walked out empty handed while everyone else (it seemed) had armfuls......hmmmm......what a sad life we lived!
Hey Ann,
I'm sure you totally don't remember me but I remember running with you as a freshman in high school. Wow, that was a long time ago. I found your blog through Jodi's. Good catching up! Super cute family!
Eryka Glover (Martinez)
What a great story! No Valentine is better when you are a little girl than your mom and dad!
Dang... I never DID get one of those Valentine-o-grams and I always wanted one. I just have to say... I love that you put up a Real Simple magazine. I cannot tell you how obsessed I am with that magazine. I have every one since they first started coming out. My last issue is MIA and I am so sad =(. Seriously, when I get it Billy knows he has to leave me alone for a day or two till I finish it and it makes me so happy to get it. Maybe I'm the lame one.
How sweet! Mom are the best. I am excited that you are coming down for meg wedding! see ya there.
I have a strong feeling that most of the people who got the Val-O-Gram actually bought them for themselves in secret. Either that or they were in the crowd who had boyfriends at age 11. I'm thinking the boyfriendless girls were spared a lot of immature heartache. (Although I secretly always wanted one too! :)
I saw Megan at Georgia's house and she was more beautiful than ever. I am really excited for her as well! Ann- you have such a beautiful family. Your kids have personality exploding out of every picture. Tell Brian I said hi.
OK that Charlie Brown movie sounds so depressing. Aren't most movies, especially kid movies, supposed to have a happy ending. Poor Charlie got stuck with someone's USED valentine, that is worse than not getting one at all...poor, poor Charlie! I can't wait to see you guys. We are definately going to Meghan's reception and then we hope you guys can make it to Kade's blessing which will be the next day!
Hooray for Megan! I am so excited that she's found someone great enough for her! I, too, am a lover of good mail. I got a kick out of reading about Camp and the lame mail. And I love your mom! Not only did she do a Valentine gram, she did 7. Such a cool thing to do for your daughter. I don't think I can handle that Charlie Brown show right now...the hormones are too on-edge as it is!
Hey Ann and Brian! It was so great to hear from you! :) I wish we could come down to Vegas--but we won't be doing much traveling this year because we will be using any available money so Jordan can go do medical school interviews. Darnet! That would be fun to hang out and introduce our kids!Hopefully sometime in the near future though.
Tell Megan she looks GREAT! Jordan knows her finance--Jordan thinks he is a really nice guy! I'm so happy for them!
Hey Annie Daddy said that anyone that travels over 500 miles gets a free Skippy peanut butter!!! So there you go groceries and a wedding. Cant wait to see your cute kids!!!
I laughed out loud! OUT LOUD to a room of quiet air. I can just see Camp and you seperately saying "lame, lame, lame"!!
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