Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Skinny

After a lot of years of feeling like I was still young and at least partially "with it", I have now gotten to the point where I really do feel like I'm getting old. Things are changing. Yesterday Brian granted me a whole 14 hour day to myself to go shopping and just be by myself...and it was wonderful. But I spent at least two hours looking for and trying on jeans and that part was not wonderful. It was awful, really. And you know what? I don't care what anyone says. Skinny jeans are not comfortable. At least not on me. I've come to the conclusion that you must have some hips and booty in order for them to even stay up. It's so frustrating because I have to shimmy and hop around to get the dang things on and then they just gradually slip down my pillar-like body with the crotch half-way to my knees. And no one else has that problem? You know--back when I was in high school, I didn't care a lick about how clothes or shoes felt. I only cared about how they looked. But now? I need comfort--so what in the heck am I supposed to do? Thankfully, Brian doesn't care how long my hair is or whether I do my make-up, but he does appreciate the times I put real clothes on. But real clothes just aren't very practical--not when I spend hours a day on my knees cleaning the floors and changing diapers. But Audrey says--I do feel better when I get dressed and stuff.
Oh, and you know what? The other day, one of my friends (who is a little older than I) asked me if I would be interested in a couple pairs of pants that she has grown out of. Well, even though they didn't look to be pants I would be crazy about, I told her I would try them. So true to my word--I tried those suckers on. And you know what? They went clear up to my belly button and they felt so dang comfortable! I'm not kidding. I actually stood there feeling really discouraged and conflicted by the fact that comfort is really just a style change away.... What am I even talking about? I'm not sure. I did hear while trying on jeans, though, that high waists and flared legs are coming back. Is that right? Hmmm..
So like I was saying, I went shopping yesterday and got a few things that I hope are cute. Who knows...these days I feel MUCH more comfortable picking out bedding and pillows and stuff.

Oh, and by any chance, does anyone have an opinion about whether I should keep growing my hair out or cut it short again?

Sunday, October 23, 2011


It's been a good couple of weeks. Its birthday season at our house, you know. My little Sugar Plum turned four. She is adding; she is swimming; she is feisty and tough as heck; and when she cries, huge tears pour out of her eyes. When Dan was a baby, one of Audrey's boyfriends asked if she were Asian. Asian?? But now I can see it. Albino Asian, maybe. It's her eyes. They are so unusual--they're like little squinted, slanted paisleys and I love them. And my Homie is now EIGHT YEARS OLD. Crazy. And so he was baptized, and officially became a follower of Christ. Over the last several months, I've spent a good deal of mental energy thinking about his baptism (and just baptism in general) and what it means. And I won't tell you all of What I Think now, because there is too much. I'll save that for another day. But Camp's a cool kid. He's a leader. He loves to ask questions and wants to be able to understand everything. He's very creative, very curious, very interested. And he's amazing with babies. Have I ever said that?....

And we had my mom and Brian's mom and Rachel and Stacy and their kids all here for Camp's baptism! So fun...