On a lighter note...
When Brian and I first moved to Oregon, we were both working--Brian was working on my aunt and uncle's remodel, and I was working in a candy store downtown. On payday, we would often go over to Eugene for the day and spend money. Man, it was fun. We would go out to eat, get chocolates at Sees, go clothes shopping for me and tool shopping for Brian. Those were some good times... and they pretty much ended when we started having kids. But yesterday, we rekindled the passion--well, almost. We were able to leave Camp and Jane behind, but we had to take Danin with us. It's funny, because back in the day I treated myself to a bunch of clothes from the mall, but these days, treating myself means getting a few of my favorite Airwick plug -in oil burners, some vanilla and lavender scented Downy ( I am determined to have a house that smells good), two new white pots, and a little ficus. Ooohhh. I did get some new lip gloss, too. And can I tell you how much I love grocery shopping at Wal-mart? I know many of you probably hate Wal-mart, but I am totally willing to forge my way through the masses in order to get green sauce and salad dressing at half the price as at my store here in Florence.
Other than that, Brian left for scout camp today and will be gone until Saturday. It will probably be a long week. I sure wish I got to spend it with my mom like Kacey. Luckyyyyyy! Brian being gone means that Camp is the "man of the house." This is a big deal for Camp because it means that he gets to sleep in my bed.
Oh, and we did another taste test. In case you care, Henry Weinhard's was preferred over IBC by five out of six people. (And in case you care a little more, I don't really care for root beer--or other soda--in general.)
Yep, so aside from my terrible lesson today, I'm a pretty darn happy lady.
I realized that since our husbands sacrifice a week to go to scout camp Heavenly Father blesses us with a little bit more patients for our children (and we sacrifice our husbands for a week). You will survive!
Meg says Ben and Jerrys is on sale at Smiths 4 for $9. Go get a couple and that will help after the kids go to sleep. Good luck!
Hey Ann,
My kids like looking at the pictures of your kids. I am sorry about the lesson, that happens to me too. Today, I am really trying to work on Rawl being kind, we've worked through a bight, toy stealing, and more. I have used his energy to help me prune a plant, and that went well. I turned his squash bight into a dragon that was a hit, good luck with Brian out of the house and I am glad you could go for a shopping get a way. You must be arriving in some way or another with a different shopping agenda! :)
Oh man Annie, how I take for granted the beauty of the grocery store that I can walk to and pretty much any grocery of my choice right around the corner. I have often lately thought of how beautiful and special it would be to just move somewhere like you and Brian did though. How it's made you form your own lives together and how close you have become. I can't get that around the corner. Not even across town. :)
So I was showing Karalee the pictures of your amazing fern pictures and your super cute house. Your deco at the spec house was awesome too! Why wasn't I blessed with such talent? We both got a great laugh out of your entry on food, and Karalee said, "Ann should move back so we can be friends and love food too much together!" I would like you to move back, eat food with me and hang out and then you could help me decorate my house! Love ya, Janelle
P.S. Your children are adorable and Jane is such a Mitchell baby!
I am so glad that I got to spend time with you this past month. I just love being around you! I still want to do our home decorating shopping when you are here...so call!!
Hello Ann, This is Jill Stephenson. Now Jill Juarez. I found you on Nicole Cave's blog (my cuz). The funny thing is, I just ran into your mom at Costco. She gave me an update on the family. Sounds like everyone is doing so well. Oregon is such a beautiful place. It's true about Walmart. As much as people might complain, they are the best priced (and these days, every penny counts). You look great and your kids are adorable!
I feel ya girl ...all of it! I'm sorry about your lesson I do understand.
James was supposed to be at scout camp this week but we are moving instead. Kartor sleeps in my bed when James is gone too! I like to tell him that its for his benefit but really it's for me...I'm a baby.
That is so funny about the root beer we just tried it 2 weeks ago (it was on sale for 1.99 which is a lot better then the 3.79 of IBC). I am not a big soda fan either and root beer is towards the bottom of that list anyway but for what it is worth I am going to have to stick with IBC straight from the freezer.
To answer your questions We are moving back because James just finished insurance school and is going to work nights to build up his business. It was better for our family to see him every night (my kids adore him) rather then twice a week. So we moved. I know it will be worth the sacrifice in the end though.
Henry weinhards is indeed the greatest root beer invented and is worth the 6 dollars. My favorite part is when you open one and steam/vapor comes out. ah....now, I am thinking I need one.
haha....i love annie!
Ann, I love how you have pictures of each subject you wrote about (even "happy lady" at the end). I hope you are feeling good now about having learned something from your lesson flop on Sunday. It happens. More often to me; it takes a lot of flops to remind/teach me.
I'm glad you got to go shopping. I'm super surprized you didn't buy clothes. I'm down to pre-baby size and ready to shop whenever you want! I want to hit target, Ross and wherever else you think is cool.
Is the great smelling Downy just for your laudry or do you leave sheets around the house (there are so many uses for those sheets). Good luck with your new ficus. Lots of love, me. P.S. mentioning love, I am so glad I was in my first auxilery presidency with you as pres. Your loving focus was amazing - now I try to suggest it's focus/motive the presidencies since then (people often get caught up in the fluff and loose sight of the goal).
Ann, I love you. You always keep it real.
You never left the memory game up on your blog but here is my memory of you.
When we were in the 9th grade we sat next to each other in Biology. I was struggling so much in that class and couldn't believe how incredibly smart you were. And to this day you still amaze me.
I also remember that you were never short of comments in Young Womens wether it be a lesson or an activity you could stir up quite a debate. You are so contemplative and to the point. I love that about you.
I love all the pics on your blog. The pics of you are so great! I love your kids too. But the expressions on your face match exactly what your blog says! Now that's talent!
Yeah, what's up with a can of enchilada sauce being so expensive? It costs like $3 here. You make me want to go to Walmart for the first time ever. But I haven't even seen a single one around here.
Christopher is always trying to go on Rob's bike ramp with him. Doesn't work so well with training wheels.
I love you Ann. The last picture of you was the best part of the whole blog. I don't like having my husband gone all day for work let alone for a week. I think I would makek smoothies for dinners every night. It takes a lot less effort and the only one to complain would be your husband... I guess he can't if he's at scout camp.
Oh Ann how you make me laugh. Thank you thank you. Your kids are like the complete opposite of mine. So big. I think it would be funny to stand them next to mine for a picture the next time you are in town.
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