I'm really having a hard time with the computer right now. Sometimes I just want to punch the computer. Anyway, things are good here. I've had a good weekend. Since Brian is done with the armoire, we spent the evening together watching Slumdog Millionaire on our Clearplayer and eating slow-churned low fat cookies-n-cream ice cream. (Of course, by the time you put a third of the box of ice cream into your bowl and pour Heath Magic shell all over it, it's anything but low fat.) You guys
have all heard about the revolution that is Clearplay, right? Oh my heavens. It's fabulous. You buy a Clearplay DVD player at Target for like fifty bucks, and then you pay like sixty bucks a year to have access to the filters of every movie that comes out. So we rented Slumdog Millionaire last night, I downloaded the filter off of Clearplay's website, we stuck the little USB filter stick into the Clearplayer, put in the movie, and poof! No more F bombs (or other swearing, for that matter) and no more extreme violence. Isn't that fabulous? Very cool movie, by the way. I always appreciate a movie that reminds me
how much I have to be grateful for and has super cool music.
Aaaannnnddd, it was sunny today which means that my house stayed clean all day. I know! The sun up here is magical! It cleans your house....in the form of keeping your kids outside. I love it! And I watched a bunch of conference and loved it. I so appreciate hearing truth...And I took the kids to the park while Brian was at the Priesthood session. Camp took his scooter and spent all his time at the skateboard park--despite the multitude of mostly hoodlum teenagers. He meant business. I couldn't help laughing as I watched him because I was so impressed by what a cool kid I have. (Part of my wanting to punch the computer has to do with not being able to upload the video I took of Camp today to Blogger. Ahhhhh!)
Pretty much the only thing that is not cool in my universe right now is the fact that I lost my temper with Camp today--something I will NOT do tomorrow--and my perfect little ficus that has done so amazingly well is now turning brown and dropping leaves suddenly. How does that happen?
P.S. I'm gracing you with a little poopie picture to make this post a little more interesting. Hope you like it.

Love the Armorie (sp?) Good job brian. Love the decoration on the carpet. your new DVD player, please explain to me, never heard of one, but would love to get one so I don't have to listen to potty mouths anymore. We are also enjoying this beautiful sun.
Do you know how lucky you are that your hubby is so talented? It is beautiful! I am a little jealous, ok, alot! Enjoy!
I love Camp' jump at the end. Jane is learing quickly in Primary!
Tell Brian Iam very impressed! It is georgous! And I am very jealous.
Has Brian seen Gene's rocking chairs?
So....someday when we have money, space, and a house (like in 20 yrs!!)...do you think we could pay Brian enough to make us something? I love the new entertainment unit, looks amazing! Have you guys considered a 2nd job for Brian doing this, or is it just a hobby?
Beautiful work, Brian. Good work, Camp! Sorry about the poop, Ann.
So, now you're not only peeing your pants, but now you're pooping on the carpet?
Yeah Ann stop takin terds on the carpet.
I fished poopies out w/ a cup in the tub today, after giving Hazel another bath for puking. I washed out a garbage can with puke in it. There joyfully was no sack when the incident happened. There are some popsicle drips on the carpet I should scrub, but I have such bad luck with carpet stains. One stain is from a poop smear and I mean a smear that looked like it was rubbed into the fibers of the carpet. I still haven't figured that one out as Rawl's hands were clean. Something smeared it and really good, yet I never found that evidence. Thank you for including the poopie picture. I knew I was supposed to visit your blog! Aren't tempers just no fun? Today went really well, all except I said d' it when I was surprised by a cup of water set on a stool and my skirt swiped it down and it got me wet. Thats what I get for being slightly unbalanced and cleaning all day long so I was emotionally too thin. I was bummed of that. I repented and that put me to sleep, and that nap really helped, that is why I am awake and commenting on your blog. I did look really cute today, I am wearing my brown 'shress' shirt (pic on modesty blog.) I think its my fav. shirt. And I am getting rid of lots of junk, I probably should still get rid of more....alas this is a book!
Yucky poopy picture, love the armoire. Wow! Good job!
Nice job are you sure he did not go to the unfinished furniture store, get an Armorie and is now making everyone think he made it? Naw just kidding I believe you! It looks way too nice! Where is MINE?
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